V - Vision - When we think about Advent we might not think about vision, yet having vision is so important! Vision tells us of what is to come. The anticipation of the birth of Jesus the Son of God in that small town in Palestine...Bethlehem!
Vision helps us to think about what life will be like once his birth is announced through the singing of the angels!
Let us never loose our vision for what God has for us!
E - Eternal - When we think about eternity, it is very hard to wrap our brains around forever. Have you ever tried to describe eternity to a child, they struggle just as adults do when trying to comprehend forever. Yet God teach us that He has forgiven our sins as far as the east is from the west. Psalm 103:12 "He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west." (NLT).
Out of Advent comes vision and things eternal!
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