Monday, March 21, 2016

Taking A Journey


Just a few days ago, I was charged with the job to hold and cradle the body of the Son of God!

Today he is no longer with us! You see, he awoke and the stone was rolled away!

I no longer hold him, for he has



Monday, March 14, 2016

Taking A Journey


I have been purchased by a wealthy gentleman for his last resting place. But now I find myself being used for a common criminal. I cannot imagine what this rich man was thinking to use me in this way.

I am to be a place of honor, a place of respect and a place for the wealthy, not for a person who was disgraced by dying on a cross where thieves dye.

Yet, when this man’s family brought his body to be laid inside of this tomb, I realized that this man was someone who was great; he was gentle, he was kind and there was something that spoke to me about him.

I am so proud to be the place chosen to hold the body of this great man; The Son of God!

I now become dark as the soldiers are sealing the doorway with a huge rock, because if they don’t in a day of two this earthly shell will begin to smell and those who come to pay homage to this man will not want to have a vivid memory of such a smell.

It is cold in here, dark and hard; but I will wrap my smooth shape around his body, just like a cradle!

Trust me, I will hold him softly as long as he remains!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Taking A Journey

I Am The Wood

I once was a small seed that grew into a tree, full of leaves and branches. I had strong roots to secure me in the soil that fed me; so that a I could become this massive tree strong and beautiful. Dark and rich in the colors of woodland greens and browns of all hues and colors

Now that I have grown to the point of becoming something more that just taking from the earth, I am now to the point in time where I am being called upon to give. SoI freely give myself over to be cut and hewn into something that will be remembered for all of eternity.

I am being cut in such a way that I am being made into the cross that will carry the Savior of the world. You see I will carry the body of the man that was cast out by his own kind to be killed for something he did not do. Many of his followers just turned their backs on him for the frenzie of the moment; which caught them off guard.

I remember being in the area close to his home and watching him grow into the strong man he is today, the day that I, the tree, was chosen for. Yes, I am heavy and I will be difficult for him to maneuver, but I am honored to give my life for the sake of holding the Son of God. This man named Jesus will never be forgotten. I know I have rough edges and carrying me will cause even more pain for him. I will try very hard to be gentle! When he falls under my weight I will continue to be as gentle as I can.

You see I am the wood of the cross. I am the last thing this man called Jesus will touch. I will become the symbol for all of his followers, not only his followers now, but in the generations to come!