Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Thoughts About A Savior

I have been listening to an album by Terry MacAlmon entitled "Visit Us-Live".  He sings an old hymn of the church "Fairest Lord Jesus". In verse four of the UMC hymnal the song says:

"Beautiful Savior! Lord of all nations! 
Son of God and Son of Man!
Glory and honor, praise, adoration now and forever more be thine." 

Jesus came to be our savior, the one who redeems all nations.  The one who left the comforts of his place next to God, Jesus came to be our mediator, the one that took our place for our sin and all sin in the world. How can we not be thankful for such a wonderful gift. 

I am grateful today for the love that Jesus has for me, even when I do not deserve it; for I know that through this gift, I have eternal life.

What about you? 

Have you come to a place where the sacrifice that Jesus made for you has become real. Knowing that he died for you as much as he died for me. For no one is worthy of this gift. 

Let's all come to a place and time in our busy lives where we stop, even for a moment and say thank you for this sacrifice.

Until next time!

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