Words, what are in words? Each day a person speaks 1,000's of words. The question is, what do these words mean? What do they carry for the person speaking and for those listening? Today we are so busy with life that we loose the meaning of the words spoken.
We are now completed 2 years of a world pandemic. We were forced to recluse into our homes, away from the world. Away from others words, only to listen to the ones who lived in the same physical structure. We were forced to only listen to words that came through electronic means. The cold computer was not able to reflect back to us the warmth of words spoken by other human beings.
Now where do we go, do we go back to the way it has always been? Not growing with what we have learned these past 2 years, or do we grow forward, take what we learned and make life better.
One final question, did we use this quiet time to hear God's voice in the midst of panic, or did we get mad, sad, and lonely? That is the question each one of has to ask and answer!
Let us not forget the quietness of a walk in the forest on a snow covered path, or the soft babble of a brook through the land that takes us to a place of washing away the old and refreshing our soul!
Sometimes words are not verbal, but found in the
of the heart and soul!