The blacksmith was very fastidious when making me, he heated the metal and shaped it just perfectly, then would cool it quickly so the ore would set very hard. The 2 other nails were also made with the same precision and work. So again I wonder what great thing we are going to hold together?
I hear the master blacksmith speaking with a Roman soldier, he is demanding 3 strong nails! I was then given to the soldier and carried in his pocket for quite some time. I see I am going to be used at the death of another criminal on the hill of Golgatha. WAIT, this is not just some ordinary criminal this is Jesus, the one who has spoken about the kingdom of God. I wonder why he is going to be crucified?
The soldiers are hammering me into the hands of this man they call Jesus, and lifting him on the cross in between two other men. I hear one ask Jesus to be with him when he dies. This man must be who he claims to be.
I know I am just metal that has been made into nails, the nails that held the savior of the world to the cross where he died. After they remove his body, I wonder what they will do with me, will they keep me or just discard them like all the others. No, someone is putting the nails in their cloak's pocket.
I know now that I am not just ordinary nail. I am the nail that pierced the hands and feet of Jesus the Christ. I am the nail that people will remember into eternity.